Rabbi Danny Rich on the need to connect religious belief and personal behaviour
Tuesday, 18 May, 2010 - 22:20
A story is told of Rav Kook, the Chief Rabbi of Palestine during the British Mandate, who was touring the community and came to a kibbutz.
Danny Rich is the Chief Executive of Liberal Judaism, a magistrate, and a hospital and prison chaplain. He read Politics & Modern History at Manchester, Criminology at Leicester, and recently completed a certificate in Jewish/Muslim Studies at Cambridge. He is a Patron of JNews.
This article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source
A lesson for Shavuot
Rabbi Danny Rich on the need to connect religious belief and personal behaviour
A story is told of Rav Kook, the Chief Rabbi of Palestine during the British Mandate, who was touring the community and came to a kibbutz.
Danny Rich is the Chief Executive of Liberal Judaism, a magistrate, and a hospital and prison chaplain. He read Politics & Modern History at Manchester, Criminology at Leicester, and recently completed a certificate in Jewish/Muslim Studies at Cambridge. He is a Patron of JNews.
This article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source