History and current events suggest that many scenarios are possible for our region but stagnation or a preservation of the status quo is not one of them.
By Hadas Ziv for JNews Blog
Tuesday, 14 June, 2011 - 09:48
London, UK
After despairing of negotiations and of US intervention on their behalf, the Palestinians have turned to the UN and it would seem that the hopes and fears of many are now focused on September.
Hadas Ziv is Director of the Public Outreach Department of Physicians For Human Rights - Israel and former Executive Director of the organisation.
This article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source
Solidarity in a universe whose sole aim is segregation
History and current events suggest that many scenarios are possible for our region but stagnation or a preservation of the status quo is not one of them.
After despairing of negotiations and of US intervention on their behalf, the Palestinians have turned to the UN and it would seem that the hopes and fears of many are now focused on September.
Hadas Ziv is Director of the Public Outreach Department of Physicians For Human Rights - Israel and former Executive Director of the organisation.
This article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source