The story of Nadim Injaz, which hit the headlines on 17 August after he broke into the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv and demanded political asylum, is just one of thousands of tragedies of Palestinians who collaborated with the Israeli security forces.
Friday, 27 August, 2010 - 11:12
Since the foundation of the State of Israel, Israeli security agents have recruited tens of thousands of Palestinians to a network of informants and collaborators that was established in Israel, and after 1967 also in the Occupied
Use and Lose: Israel’s Palestinian collaborators
The story of Nadim Injaz, which hit the headlines on 17 August after he broke into the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv and demanded political asylum, is just one of thousands of tragedies of Palestinians who collaborated with the Israeli security forces.
Since the foundation of the State of Israel, Israeli security agents have recruited tens of thousands of Palestinians to a network of informants and collaborators that was established in Israel, and after 1967 also in the Occupied
Ran Cohen is Director of the Department for Migrants, Refugees and Undocumented People at Physicians for Human Rights-Israel. He also blogs, in Hebrew, at http://nimby.co.il, Not(es) In My Back Yard.
Further reading: Cohen, Hillel. Good Arabs: The Israeli Security Agencies and the Israeli Arabs, 1948–1967.
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