The road to Jerusalem runs through Cairo, Tunis, Benghazi.

It’s time the EU practiced the democracy it preaches.
Agnès Bertrand-Sanz completed her Ph.D in international law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) in 2010. Since January 2009, she is the Middle East policy officer for APRODEV, the association of Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox European development organisations (including Christian Aid UK, Diakonia, ICCO, Broet fur die Welt). She also teaches External Relations of the European Union at the Lille Institute of Political Studies (Science-Po Lille).
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Teachers: Racism in schools a "deep phenomenon"

Israeli outlet Ynet has reported a worrying increase in expressions of racism among Israeli schoolchildren.
This article is based on a Hebrew item published by YNet on 18.01.2011
Photo from
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Israeli Knesset approves committee to investigate 'anti-Israeli' groups

A further step was taken in the intimidation of Israeli human-rights and peace groups today when a proposal to establish a parliamentary investigatory committee to examine such groups was app
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Photo from Yisrael Beiteinu.
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Israel's proposed new Terrorism Law significantly extends definition of terrorism

A new version of Israel’s Terrorism Law recently proposed by the Israeli government introduces a very broad definition of terrorism and terrorist organizations. Legal experts believe it is liable to endanger organizations and activities that are currently defined as legal in Israel.
A new Terrorism Law was recently drafted by Israel’s Attorney General, the State Attorney and senior officials from the shabac (Israel’s secret police, also called the Israel Security Agency), and appr
Cached version of the public memorandum issued by the Israeli Justice Ministry on the proposed law (Hebrew):…
Israeli Democracy Institute overview and summary of its critique of the law (English):……
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New bill a severe threat to investigative journalism in Israel

An amendment to the Israeli Penal Law was tabled in the Knesset last month, seeking to further restrict disclosure of information defined as a ‘security secret’.
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Photo by Haaretz
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Israel’s government proceeds with anti-democratic legislation targeting Arab citizens and civil society

Israel’s Knesset is due to break for its summer recess at the end of July and reconvene in October.
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Arrested activist case still under partial gag order

Strong suspicion of torture as Ameer Makhoul meets his lawyers; embargo on disclosing details of interrogation methods or detention conditions continues
Israeli citizen and human rights defender Ameer Makhoul was permitted to see his lawyers after 17 May when the
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Photo by Oren Ziv
For more information on the cases, see:………
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Israeli law proposal: Outlaw organisations reporting on violations

Foreboding in the Israeli human rights community as a new proposed law targets organizations reporting on breaches of international law
A new draft bill tabled on Wednesday in the Israeli Knesset, seeks to forbid registration of Israeli organizations (NGOs) that are suspected of provision of information or involvement in law suits against
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Im Tirtzu: delegitimising the 'delegitimisers'

A campaign to suppress all criticism now extends to smearing Israeli human rights activists as hostile to Jewish statehood
The word “delegitimisation” has become the most significant weapon in the rhetorical arsenal of those defending Israel against external and internal enemies.
Cross-posted with The Guardian, Comment is Free
Antony Lerman is the Chair of JNews - Alternative Jewish Perspectives on Israel and Palestine, and the former director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research
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Can Israel’s mass social protest embrace the end of occupation as a key demand?
There is no justice unless it’s justice for all.
Antony Lerman is the former director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research. Many of his pieces are cross-posted with his blog, Context is EverythingImage: article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source