Discrimination in education facilities in East Jerusalem

Severe classroom shortage in East Jerusalem points to structural discrimination, say rights groups
Palestinian children in east Jerusalem are suffering from a dire shortage of classrooms and school places.
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Photo from State Comptroller’s Report, 2009
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Cameron-backed charity accused of discriminating against non-Jews

The Jewish National Fund: Lands for Jews only?
Recent actions by a leading Jewish charity have raised questions about its links with Prime Minister David Cameron and other leading political figures.
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For more in-depth information on JNF land policies see the Background Piece by JNews on http://www.jnews.org.uk/commentary/background-paper-th…
Restless Park: On the Latrun villages and Zochrot (pdf):
Regional Council for the Unrecognised Villages of the Negev - map and legend:
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El Al to compensate brothers for discrimination during security checks

An Israeli Court has ordered Israeli Airline El Al to compensate two brothers, Palestinian citizens of Israel from the village of Iksal in the Galilee, for humiliating treatment during a security check.
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Background Paper: The controversial land policies of the Jewish National Fund
The Jewish National Fund (JNF) or Keren Kayemet LeYisrael was founded in 1901 in Basel by the World Zionist Organisation, with the aim of purchasing
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For further information on JNF policies see:
[Hebrew] http://www.kkl.org.il/KKL/advanced_template.aspx?id=16943 .