Small but hopeful: Israeli-Palestinian projects in the southern Hebron hills
Israeli and Palestinian volunteers create concrete alternatives for education and energy
The separation barrier and the proximity of settlements to Palestinian villages cause serious disruptions to the daily lives of Palestinians.
Photos by Ehud Krinis, CPT Hebron and Edoardo Soteras.
Dr. Gillian Yudkin of BSST contributed to this article.
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Israeli soldiers accused of shooting a wounded man
Israeli watchdog B’Tselem raises suspicions regarding the death of a Palestinian in Hebron last month
On 12 February 2010 Faez Ahmad Sa’id Faraj, 41, a Palestinian shoe-factory owner and father of nine from Hebron in the occupied West Bank, was shot by Israeli soldiers in the city and died short
Further reading:
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In the land of King David
As the Israeli government endorses school trips to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Israelis protest against the arrest of four hikers who killed a Palestinian during a similar tour.
Last week Israeli Education Minister Gideon Sa’ar announced a new programme – taking Israeli school children on tours to the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. It is scheduled to begin in September.
Lia Tarachansky ([email protected]) is an Israeli-Canadian journalist and the director of the upcoming documentary, Seven Deadly Myths. Most recently she worked as a Middle East correspondent with The Real News Network. Her writings and videos are available at
Ibrahimi Mosque/ Tomb of the Patriarchs is an Open Source image.
Hebron by Lia Tarachansky
This article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source.