No Hiding Place for War Criminals and Torturers

Geoffrey Bindman on the proposed change to Universal Jurisdiction law.
Universal jurisdiction is a major development in the world legal order.
Sir Geoffrey Bindman has practised as a solicitor in London for 50 years and is a visiting professor of law at both University College London and London South Bank University. In 2007 he was knighted for services to human rights. He is currently chairman of the British Institute of Human Rights. He is a patron of JNews – Alternative Jewish Perspectives on Israel and Palestine.
This article is cross-posted with the Financial Times
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The Israeli Supreme Court and the de-liberalisation of Israel
The Twilight of Israel’s Juridical Liberal-Democratic Period
Last week, Judge Noam Sohlberg was appointed to the Israeli Supreme Court, which, in Israel, is also the High Court of Justice, a court of judicial review carrying important constitutional functions.
Eyal Clyne is an Israeli researcher of society in Israel-Palestine. He focuses on the conflict and other Israeli political issues. Some of the posts on his Hebrew blog appear also in English and elsewhere, and some of his pieces for JNews are also cross-posted with other sites.
This article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source.