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The South Caucasus, Turkey, and Israel – Emerging Energy Corridors From the Caspian Sea

Energy security is at the heart of important new developments in the wider Middle East region; and Israel is becoming a significant player in many scenarios, both for the transport of oil and gas across the region and as a gas producer and exporter in its own right. Jameel Zayed unravels the bewildering complexity of these new developments.
Azerbaijan’s Absheron Peninsula, in the Caspian Sea, is
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The Promise: Interview with Peter Kosminsky

JNews takes a closer look at the British Mandate in Palestine and the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which forms the backdrop to The Promise, and asks the creator some questions about the much-discussed drama.
London-born director, producer and writer Peter Kosminsky is well-known for his TV documentaries and dramas dealing with British military involvement in other politically sensitive regions such as No
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Gender-segregated buses spark controversy in Israel
Hundreds demonstrate in Jerusalem against sex segregation on buses.
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Seeing Israel as it is, but not keeping a distance

Hagai El Ad on Israel’s image among Jews in the UK
I was delighted to be one of close to 2,000 participants in Limmud.
Hagai El-Ad is the Executive Director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Israel’s largest human rights organization. An edited version of the piece was originally published as a comment in Hebrew on nrg, the Israeli news website of Maariv, on January 5 2010. An edited English version was published in the Huffington Post on February 10 2010.
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Can Israel’s mass social protest embrace the end of occupation as a key demand?
There is no justice unless it’s justice for all.
Antony Lerman is the former director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research. Many of his pieces are cross-posted with his blog, Context is EverythingImage: http://www.wikio.com/video/fight-equality-israel-j14-movement-5606692This article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source