New bill to outlaw groups that question Israel as 'Jewish and democratic'

On Sunday 7 November 2010, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation discussed a new private bill, entitled, ‘The Bill for Protecting the Values of the State of Israel (Legislation Amendments
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Loyalty oath adds to gathering threat to Arab citizens of Israel

As Knesset reconvenes, the ‘peace process’ is seen as just another term for excluding Israel’s Arab-Palestinian minority from the state
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has decided to back a proposed amendment to Israel’s citizenship law, raised in July by Justice Minis
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Photo by Abeer Sultan at
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Cancer patients humiliated at Ben Gurion airport

A charity treat for 36 teenage cancer patients went wrong when three members of the group were humiliated and forced to strip in the course of a security check at Ben Gurion airport.
Thirty-six young cancer patients from the north of Israel – both Jewish and Arab – received a funded trip from a local charity and set out for Disney World in Orlando, Florida – but their journey was soured by a humiliating altercatio
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Israel’s government proceeds with anti-democratic legislation targeting Arab citizens and civil society

Israel’s Knesset is due to break for its summer recess at the end of July and reconvene in October.
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Background Paper: The controversial land policies of the Jewish National Fund

The Jewish National Fund (JNF) or Keren Kayemet LeYisrael was founded in 1901 in Basel by the World Zionist Organisation, with the aim of purchasing
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For further information on JNF policies see:………
[Hebrew] .
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Cameron-backed charity accused of discriminating against non-Jews

The Jewish National Fund: Lands for Jews only?
Recent actions by a leading Jewish charity have raised questions about its links with Prime Minister David Cameron and other leading political figures.
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For more in-depth information on JNF land policies see the Background Piece by JNews on…
Restless Park: On the Latrun villages and Zochrot (pdf):…
Regional Council for the Unrecognised Villages of the Negev - map and legend:…
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Arrested activist case still under partial gag order

Strong suspicion of torture as Ameer Makhoul meets his lawyers; embargo on disclosing details of interrogation methods or detention conditions continues
Israeli citizen and human rights defender Ameer Makhoul was permitted to see his lawyers after 17 May when the
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Photo by Oren Ziv
For more information on the cases, see:………
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Knesset prepares to vote on draconian new laws against Arabs in Israel, Palestinian prisoners

Israel’s government plans increasing limitations on civil rights and punitive measures through legislation
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Gag order lifted; arrested activists charged with espionage, denied legal counsel

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What Netanyahu means when he says 'two states'
Sunday’s approval of a discriminatory loyalty oath requiring non-Jews seeking naturalization to swear a loyalty oath to ‘the Jewish state’ adds to growing fears that for this Israeli government, a ‘peace deal’ might involve a mass transfer of Israel’s Arab citizens.
In June 2009, shortly after he was elected, Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu surprised many by declaring in a public
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